Tumble luncheon club is a winner

A new volunteer-led luncheon club in Tumble is acting as a catalyst for the regeneration of the village.
Cinio a Chlonc (Meal and a Chat) is the first initiative to get underway in the area, providing a twice-weekly service for people aged 60+ to eat and socialise together.
Supported by Llannon Community Council, the club was one of the first to be established after Carmarthenshire County Council offered independent providers the chance to operate their own lunch clubs.
Membership is no longer restricted by eligibility criteria, and members are able to spend longer socialising than they were before.
Reduced-cost meals, with food sourced locally and cooked on the premises, are served every Tuesday and Thursday at Tumble Hall.
Cllr Pat Jones, executive board member for health and social care, said: “Tumble luncheon club is a shining example of what can be achieved within communities. The council was faced with criticism for asking town and community councils, and voluntary organisations, to take over the running of luncheon clubs so that we could direct resources to front-line services, but this has proved that it has – and will – work well.
“We have been overwhelmed by the response from communities who wanted to run their own clubs, and we have been able to help these communities to get started.
“This is all part of the ‘Big Society’ picture where communities are being asked to pitch in and help deliver services to their friends and neighbours.”
The county council is also supporting the Tumble Regeneration Partnership as it seeks to build on the club’s success and look for new ways to deliver community-led services.
Cllr Terry Evans, chair of Llannon Community Council, said: “The regeneration partnership is commissioning a regeneration strategy, funded by the community council, to look at how Tumble Hall can be developed in to a community hub with facilities such as a library, IT suite and community education. Once developed, we hope to apply for funding to develop the hub.
“In a similar way to Cinio a Chlonc, the regeneration partnership recognises that in order to deliver grass roots services, the community may need to deliver them itself rather than just relying on the county council to do so.”
The strategy will also map out the development of a community transport scheme so that services are more accessible and will advise on investment needed in the area’s recreational facilities.
To join the luncheon club, call Mandy Owen on 01269 844780.

Executive board member for social care, Cllr Pat Jones, and Llannon Community Council chair Cllr Terry Evans, join local volunteers Mandy Owen, Rose Williams, Anne Jones, Tina Griffiths and Helen Lloyd, for lunch with Cinio a Chlonc members Margaret Davies, Mel Lewis and Myra Roberts. Pic Jeff Connell


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