Pantyffynnon summer cookery school success

Communities First Pantyffynnon has organised a six week summer cookery school for local residents.
This latest initiative, organised in association with Hywel Dda Local Health Board, has received overwhelming support from the community and has enabled the participants to learn all about home cooked foods, the benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet, learning about what is in our foods, and cooking on a budget.
One of the themes Communities First works towards through the Welsh Assembly programme is to improve people’s health and wellbeing. This is being achieved through this project and other initiatives during the year, such as the community loan-a-bike scheme.
Morwen Brundrett, a local resident participating in the project, said: “This is a fantastic learning experience for me and has really encouraged me to cook more healthily at home. It has given people of all ages a chance to get together and discover more about foods and how ingredients can complement each other as well.”
Communities First Development Worker Emma Martin-Jewell said: “The summer school has seen 12 residents from the ward of Pantyffynnon benefitting from the project from eight years of age and upwards, and has acted as a shining example of intergenerational work between children and older adults. We hope that this is something that can be repeated again in the future.”
Carmarthenshire County Council executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “This is an excellent scheme which brings together the different generations and encourages them to cook and eat healthily.”


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