Carmarthenshire views needed on carrier bag charges

Carmarthenshire residents are being given the chance to have their say on proposals by the Welsh Assembly Government to introduce a 7p charge for single use carrier bags.
More than 400 million single use carrier bags are currently given out to Welsh shoppers each year.
Environment Minister Jane Davidson is proposing a charge of 7p per bag to transform shopping habits and reduce the number of single use carrier bags given out in Wales.
Speaking about this issue, the Environment Minister said: “Carrier bags are an iconic symbol of the throwaway society in which we live.
"Whilst I know that reducing our use of single use carrier bags is not going to solve all our environmental problems, the charge delivers an important message about the need for us to live much more sustainable lives.
“I am confident that the Welsh public will embrace the carrier bag charge and see it as positive step towards preserving our beautiful countryside and helping Wales to reduce its carbon footprint”.
The consultation invites responses on the detail of the charge, including:
• a 7p charge for all single use carrier bags –whether made of plastic or paper
• exemptions for certain types of bags such as those used to carry unpackaged food or pharmacy medicines
• Arrangements to ensure the Welsh public knows what happens to the profits from the charge
The Welsh Assembly Government would like to hear from Carmarthenshire residents to find out your views on the proposed charge. For more information including how you can respond please visit: (Environment and Countryside)
Alternatively you can respond by interactive Digital TV through Sky, Virgin, Nintendo Wii, PC or your mobile – see the above website for further details.
The consultation period ends on August 2.


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