Carmarthen pupils join in Green Day

Pupils in Carmarthen are going green in a bid to keep their school clean.
QE High School took part in a ‘green day’ with Carmarthenshire County Council as part of Wales Sustainability Week.
The aim was to encourage pupils to put their litter in the bin and recycle as much of their waste as possible.
The day began with a special assembly with the council’s executive board member for education Councillor Gwynne Wooldridge. It included a presentation about litter problems within the county and particularly in secondary school grounds as well as a short film on climate change.
Council officers also went into the classroom to speak to pupils about litter and its consequences along with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team and litter-picks were held within the school grounds.
Finally pupils were asked to come up with ideas on how best to tackle litter at their school with all suggestions entered into a prize draw to win an iPod.
The ongoing school campaign will involve litter-related activities incorporated into lessons, for example, pupils will be asked to design litter posters in art, come up with new type bins in design and technology and look at litter through the ages in history.
Carmarthenshire County Council is encouraging people to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible as well as to clean up their community and take pride in where they live.
Council sustainability officer Tina Brice said: “The council removes around 40 tonnes of litter every week in Carmarthenshire - costing more than £2.1 million a year, that’s money that could be put to much better use.
“We want people to take action to improve the area in which they live and hopefully keep it that way. By working together we can make Carmarthenshire a much cleaner and safer place for everyone.”
Councillor Wooldridge said: “I am delighted that pupils are learning about the environment and what we can do to protect it. It is extremely important we take care of our planet to preserve it for future generations.”


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