Burry Port supermarket gets planning OK

Outline planning permission has been granted for a supermarket in Burry Port under the Llanelli Joint Venture.
A meeting of Carmarthenshire County Council’s planning committee considered plans submitted by the local authority’s head of corporate property for a foodstore and petrol filling station on land alongside Neptune Buildings, Burry Port.
An officers’ report to the committee said that the site was reasonably located in terms of local facilities, which included a variety of shops in the main Station Road area of the town centre to the north, whilst regular bus services operated in the area around the site.
The application site is within the defined town centre area of Burry Port and is designated as a Planning and Development Brief Site.
National planning policy is the development of a modern, attractive and vibrant waterfront urban area, which stretches from Port Talbot in the east through to Burry Port in the west taking in Neath, Swansea and Llanelli.
The Plan recognises that the area has the potential to become a key driver of the Welsh economy and development should be focused on Port Talbot, Neath, Swansea, and Llanelli prioritising the use of the abundant supply of brownfield land.
Local member Cllr Stephen James said: “I am delighted that the planning committee has supported this application. It is good news for Burry Port. The development will be a boost for the local economy and will provide a valuable local facility.”
Local member Cllr Pat Jones said: “We have waited a long time for this. The majority of people are crying out for e retail outlet. It will be a catalyst for the town, create new footfall and create new opportunities.”
Executive board member for regeneration and leisure Cllr Clive Scourfield said: “It is something a lot of local people have been asking for. The population of Burry Port, Pembrey and the surrounding area would very much welcome it.”
The committee was minded to approve the application and granted the head of planning plenary powers to release the planning permission after the Countryside Council for Wales has signed off the Appropriate Assessment.


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