New club for Pontyberem complex

A sheltered housing complex in the Gwendraeth Valley is pioneering a new club to provide activities for residents and the local community.
Clwb Iechyd Da at the Nantyglo Sheltered Housing Complex in Pontyberem offers lunches, reflexology and foot care, along with other events, for residents and other older members of the community.
Wellbeing Clinics are being held in conjunction with the Local Health Board offering a falls clinic, exercise, and blood pressure clinics.
Over the last few weeks they have been enjoying lunches cooked by Sharon Cooper of the New Inn, Pontyberem.
She said: “I have started doing lunches at Nantyglo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I do home-cooked meals and every Wednesday I cook a traditional dinner.
“It is nice to give a bit back to the community that has supported me since I moved to the New Inn.”
Resident Malcolm Hammond, who worked as a chef for 30 years, was very impressed with the meals being served by Clwb Iechyd Da.
He said: “It is excellent - the food here is very good. I suffer from cramp so I get my legs done and have muscle massage which helps a lot.
“They let me do a lot of gardening when I am able to. The flower beds at the side are mine.”
Foot care assistant Jane Lloyd, of Wellbeing Regeneration, said: “There is no toenail cutting service with the NHS any longer, it deals with more serious problems of the feet.
“There is a massive unmet demand for toenail cutting and we are providing this service across Carmarthenshire. It makes a tremendous difference, if your feet are comfortable you will carry on walking.”
Reflexologist Sharon Davies said: “I was asked to provide reflexology at Nantyglo every other week but due to demand I am here two days a week.
“We have had good positive feedback. A lot of the clients say that they can walk more and that their mobility is easier after doing reflexology.”
Sheltered Scheme Officer Amanda Wheelhouse said: “We wanted Clwb Iechyd Da to be more than just a luncheon club. We wanted to develop the socialising side of it.
“We now have lunches three times a week, the reflexology and foot care, visits by the police and community support officers, and visits by Age Concern.”
Executive board member for housing and public protection Cllr Hugh Evans said: “I am very impressed with what Clwb Iechyd Da is doing and hope it will be taken up in other areas.”

Launch of Clwb Iechyd Da providing meals for residents at Nantyglo Sheltered Housing Complex, Pontyberem.
Pic Jeff Connell


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