Minister launches Wales Sustainability Week

The Welsh Assembly Government’s Minister for Rural Affairs, Elin Jones AM, joined staff and students at Aberystwyth University for breakfast to mark the launch of a week-long programme of events at the university to celebrate Wales Sustainability Week.
The breakfast was served at the University’s award winning restaurant TaMed Da which was awarded gold for Sustainable Development at the 2009/10 Wales the True Taste Food & Drink Awards.
Over the past four years Kevan Downing, Head of Hospitality, and Huw McConochie, Farms Manager, have been working together to introduce a healthy eating menu at the University’s restaurants comprising of meat and vegetables grown on the University’s own farms.
Their vision for quality local produce means that up to 90% of the University’s food is now sourced from its own farms and other local suppliers such as Rachel’s Organic and Birchgrove Eggs. This has also led to a significant reduction in food miles with University-produced meat clocking up just 36 miles from farm gate to plate.
The Minister for Rural Affairs, Elin Jones, said: “It's great that Aberystwyth University is supporting Wales Sustainability Week with a programme of events lasting the whole week. The Welsh Assembly Government has put in place clear actions to support big food retailers like the University to link with local suppliers to source healthy, fresh, local food.”
“People are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of food miles and how choosing local produce can reduce the carbon footprint of the food that we eat as well as support the local economy. Not only that, but we have some great local food in Ceredigion that's too good to ignore!”
Dr John Harries, Pro Vice-Chancellor, said “We are very pleased that the Minister joined us to launch Wales Sustainability Week at our award winning restaurant. The excellent work that has been done to source more local produce for our restaurants proves that it is possible to provide food of the highest quality whilst at the same time provide tangible benefits for the environment in terms of reduced food miles.”
“Further more it underlines the University’s commitment to reducing its own carbon foot print and raising awareness amongst staff and students as to how they can also contribute”, he added.
The student representatives at the launch were Jeff Smith, Environment and Ethics Officer, Liam Roberts, Chair of Student Volunteers Aberystwyth, Catherine Beckham, Volunteering Co-ordinator, Jessica Leigh, Deputy Student Support Officer and Jon Antoniazzi, President of the Aberystwyth Guild of Students.
Speaking after the event, Jon Antoniazzi said, “‘I am pleased to see the University furthering its commitment to sustainability and the environment. Wales Sustainability Week has proved to be an important opportunity in developing partnership work with the Guild of Students, and providing a more joined up approach in addressing the issues of climate change.’
“The launch of Wales Sustainability Week by the minister gave an occasion to recognise the outstanding work already undertaken in the local community by Student Volunteers Aberystwyth (SVA), and the hours committed by many students in everything from beach conservation to tackling the issues around recycling.
“This week only gives a brief snapshot into the work that is undertaken by SVA, Aberystwyth University and the Guild all year round. I am really positive that events such as this will only go further in raising the profile of Volunteering and our commitment to furthering sustainable initiatives at Aberystwyth,” he added.
The Wales Sustainability Week is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative that invites individuals and organisations from all sectors and communities to take action to make Wales more sustainable, and celebrate and promote what they are already doing and become part of a network that works together to make Wales more sustainable.
Wales Sustainability Week
Further details on Wales Sustainability Week are to be found at the following web site:;jsessionid=YNWzLkKSqWBsLjyZpTmntrTH4bQ7j8cnz75l8Lyk0NY1L3YD72tL!-897520699?lang=en
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