IBERS water plan saves thousands

Aberystwyth University's IBERS teaching and research institute is showing the way for farmers.
While many people are becoming used to harvesting rainwater for their gardens, the university is using natural sources to provide water on an industrial scale.
The farms, which are part of the University’s award winning Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), have found ways of meeting their massive demand for water through a variety of natural means.
The expansion of the Aberystwyth University Farms dairy herd at Trawsgoed prompted farms manager Huw McConochie to explore new sources of water to meet the 50,000 litre daily demand of the farm.
“The current system relied heavily on mains water” said Huw. It was simply not cost effective. After failing to secure an adequate supply from bore holes drilled on the farm the IBERS team turned their attention to rainwater and water collected in two ponds on the farm.
It means a saving of almost £22,000 a year when compared to the cost of drawing water from the mains supply.
“Our experience here shows how farmers across Wales could use different sources of water on their land to meet their needs and cut their bills,” said Aberystwyth University farms manager, Dr Huw McConochie.
He continued, “Our experience has also showed that bore holes are not the only source of water on the farm.
“The techniques we are using here could be easily adapted to other farms. This is an example of how IBERS can develop new systems and then transfer knowledge and expertise to the agricultural industry in Wales and beyond.”
This is how it works . . .
Dairy cows at the Lodge farm, the biggest of the two diaries operated by IBERS consume up to up to 50,000 litres of water a day.
Drawing water from the mains system at 35 litres a minute was costing IBERS £21,900 a year.
Now the farms are using a combination of natural sources:
• The farm lake and stream can provide 30 litres a minute of drinking water for the cows.
• Harvesting rainwater provides enough water to wash down the milking parlour, collecting yard and handling pens every day – about 4 million litres a year.
• The rest comes from a borehole on the farm.
The key to the system is storage, “even in Trawsgoed it doesn’t rain every day! So harvested rain water is stored in a 30000 litre tank ready for use, while drinking water from the ponds and bore hole are stored in separate 28000 litre tank” says Huw who estimates that the cost of setting up the system will be covered by the savings in the first year alone.
“Taking water from the mains system is obviously a strain on the environment because every drop has to be treated and pumped,” says Huw McConochie. “Using our own sources is cheaper, enables us to practice what we preach, and is better for the planet.”
The Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University, was established in April 2008 following the merger of the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, formerly part of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), with Aberystwyth University. IBERS continues to receive significant funding for research from the BBSRC and benefits from financial support from the Welsh Assembly Government, DEFRA and the European Union.
Its vision is to be one of the top three land based science University departments in the world. A major feature of this vision is a commitment to rejuvenate agriculture in the UK and support the sustainability and viability of the rural economy through establishing direct links between farming communities, business and academics.


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