DNA kits bid to beat the burglars in Carmarthenshire

Residents in the Llwynhendy area are the first in Carmarthenshire to be given the chance to protect their property and beat the burglar through the use of free DNA marking kits.
The SelectaDNA marking kits, one of the latest tools in crime prevention, are being offered to householders in Llandafen Road, Llwynhendy Road and Pemberton Road as part of a pilot funded by the Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
The funding was made available by the Home Office to make local residents, particularly older people, feel safer.
It is being delivered by the Llwynhendy Neighbourhood Policing Team and Llwynhendy Communities First.
Officers have carried out a leaflet drop in the area encouraging people to sign up to the scheme.
The DNA marking kits work by applying a clear fluid to items of value, such as laptops, computer equipment, TVs, DVD players, iPods and mobile phones.
Not only is it almost impossible to remove, but each kit has a unique code (similar to human DNA) that cannot be duplicated in any way shape or form.
This means if the property is stolen and recovered by police it can easily be traced back to its owner – and irrefutably link the criminal to the burglary or break-in.
Householders taking part in the pilot will be given stickers to place in their windows warning thieves that their homes are protected by SelectaDNA. Signs will also be put up in the streets.
It is hoped the scheme will help to deter burglars and make residents feel safer thereby reducing the fear of crime within the community.
Inspector Tony Ward, who is on the CSP’s Burglary Action Group, said: “Tackling burglary remains a priority for the partnership. Although the number of burglaries in Carmarthenshire is relatively low, this type of crime can have a severe effect on the victim in both emotional and financial terms.
“We are making big strides in the fight against crime and SelectaDNA is a high-tech forensic solution that will act as a deterrent to thieves and help reduce the fear of crime.”
If the pilot is a success the partnership will look at rolling it out to other areas of the county, subject to funding.
The CSP, which includes the council and the police as well as a number of other agencies, is committed to reducing burglaries across Carmarthenshire as this is just one of a number of projects under the ‘Think Safe, Home Safe’ campaign.
Community safety manager Kate Thomas added: “We are determined to improve the quality of life for everyone in Carmarthenshire and make it a safer place to live, work and visit.”
For further information or if you live in this area and would like to sign up to the SelectaDNA scheme contact PC Hayley Oliver by calling 101 or emailing hayley.oliver@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.uk or contact Llwynhendy Communities First development officer Gillian Handscomb on 01554 780288.


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