Bid to get schools hooked on sport

Special schools in Carmarthenshire are being targeted with special tuition and talks on getting their pupils “hooked on sport.”
The 5x60 programme has been expanding to cater for special schools - without additional funding.
Carmarthenshire County Council sports development officers have been meeting with Ysgol Heol Goffa over the past few months to identify the ways in which they can enhance their extra-curricular physical activity provision for their secondary school aged pupils.
Carmarthenshire county young people co-ordinator Carl Daniels said: “We have worked towards introducing table tennis and fitball into the school and significantly revamped their 'fitness suite' to be used on a daily basis.
“We are seeking to provide training opportunities to ensure football and gymnastics can be effectively delivered. We're also laying the foundation for them to access 'bikeability' that is cycling using adapted bikes for people with disabilities, and to offer kayaking, golf and tennis in the school summer term.
Mr Daniels and 5x60 colleague Rhian Davies have spoken at an assembly at Heol Goffa expolaining they were working with the school to get as many pupils as possible “hooked on sport” which was the theme being encouraged by the Sports Council for Wales.

Pupils from Heol Goffa Speicla School are getting hooked on sport. From left: is pupil Jack Harris, county executive board member for leisure services Clive Scourfield; pupil Holly Saunders; 5x60 officer Rhian Davies; pupil Chris Bowen, county active young people co-ordinator Carl Daniels; PE co-ordinator Alex Williams and disability sports officer,Lisa Pudner. Pic: Jeff Connell.


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