International weddings in Llanelli spotlight

Various international wedding traditions were showcased at a Llanelli event, designed to promote awareness of different cultures.
Organised by Glanymor and Tyisha Communities First, the event – at the Antioch Centre, Copperworks Road - gave over 200 visitors an insight in to many cultural marriage traditions including Welsh, Polish, Indian, Jewish, Korean, Muslim, African and Egyptian.
There was also a traditional belly dance – which is performed within certain cultures as a way of encouraging fertility between newly married couples.
It was topped off with a programme of workshops and a lunch of international flavour, with samples from several countries.
The event was funded through the Community Cohesion Fund, in partnership with Communities First – a Welsh Assembly initiative run locally by Carmarthenshire County Council.
It is hoped schools and community groups will benefit further from the event, by using a DVD which was produced on the day as a tool for education and religious studies.
Farah Aziz, Communities First development officer, said: “Many of the people who attended said the event broadened their knowledge of other cultures. Some even learned about other traditions within their own culture that they had previously not been aware of.
“The event also helped to encourage a mutual respect for different cultures, so it was very worthwhile.”
One of the aims of Communities First aims is the regeneration of deprived communities by the improvement living conditions and prospects for people.
In Carmarthenshire, the local authority runs four out of the six Communities First organisations, and its teams host many local events and educational activities every year, along with specific regeneration programmes.
Regeneration executive board member, Cllr Clive Scourfield, said: “This is yet another example of how Communities First Glanymor and Tyisha has managed to bring people of various different backgrounds together to gain a mutual respect and understanding for each other. This no doubt helps create a more cohesive community.”

Weddings: International representatives showcase various cultural wedding traditions at a Communities First event in Llanelli.


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