Carmarthenshire action on empty homes

Plans to bring some 2,000 empty homes in Carmarthenshire back into use are to be considered by the county council’s executive board.
Carmarthenshire Housing Services has drawn up an Empty Property Action Plan for 2010-2012 to tackle the issue.
Head of housing Robin Staines said: “There are around 2,000 long term empty homes in Carmarthenshire. These are not only a wasted resource in terms of providing potential housing need, but they can also have a detrimental effect on communities.”
The first Empty Property Strategy was launched in 2005 to tackle the problem and has resulted in 150 properties being brought back into use as a result of direct action by the council.
Mr Staines said: “We are the only Welsh local authority actively using compulsory purchase as a means of addressing empty properties.
“We have addressed some problems of empty council-owned properties, and identified some long term empty council properties suitable for demolition or sale through our Asset Management Strategy.
”While this has been very positive work, and a good start, empty properties continue to be a challenge in the area, and further work is still needed to tackle the problems faced.”
A survey of empty property owners has provided information to help shape future plans to deal with empty properties. It showed that two thirds of owners do not have outstanding loans or mortgages on the properties; that three quarters have some concerns about the properties being left empty, and around a third indicated that the properties were in a reasonable condition.
A revised action plan has been developed to provide support, advice and awareness raising for empty property owners, help owners to decide on options for reuse, including social lets, sales or private renting, consider ways of providing or helping to access financial assistance, and consider ways of preventing long-term empty council properties.
Mr Staines added: “Carmarthenshire is taking the potential for empty properties seriously. An average of over 1,100 homeless applications are received each year. Clearly, reoccupation of some of the 2,000 empty homes in the area could resolve this housing shortage.”


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