Marines visit Birchgrove School

Six members of the Band of the Royal Marines Plymouth performed to pupils at Birchgrove Comprehensive School in Swansea.
The link between the school and the marines comes through the Mark Jones Memorial Scholarship.
The scholarship is an annual prize from the City and County of Swansea’s Music Service in memory of Mark Jones, a member of the Band of the Royal Marines who was killed in 1989 when the IRA attacked barracks in Deale, Kent.
Mr Jones’s niece and nephew, Ashleigh and Thomas Braddock, are pupils at the school.
Mr Ian Davies, the Marines Recruiting Officer, was a friend and colleague and was delighted to be able to play in front of such an appreciative audience.
The band’s enthusiasm spilled over into the audience as they clapped and danced along with the wonderful sounds which filled the school theatre.
Mr Chris Jones, Head of Music, said “It was a great opportunity for our pupils to witness first hand such quality playing.
“We are very grateful to the band for remembering Mr Jones in this way.”
Gareth Davies, a Year 11 pupil and a keen musician, said “I really enjoyed. It was a good experience and an insight into another side of the Royal Marines.”

Pictured left to right are:
Lisa King – Trumpet; Matthew Michele – French Horn; Jason O’Brien – tuba; Thomas Braddock - Y11 pupil; Colin Hudson – Trombone; Ashleigh Braddock - Y8 pupil; Rich Fenwick – Trumpet; Dan Page – Percussion; Ian Davies – Recruiting Officer.


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