Funding event for St Clears

Carmarthenshire County Council regeneration officers are hosting an event in St Clears to raise awareness of a funding opportunity.
Community groups who have innovative ideas for projects that could benefit the area are being invited to go to the event at Carmarthenshire Craft Centre, St Clears, from 4-7pm on Wednesday, February 24.
The main focus of the evening will be to highlight the funding opportunities available under the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013.
The plan, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, helps rural communities by funding projects which help people to access services and develop distinctive identities.
Under Axis 4 of the scheme, community groups can apply for grants which would improve access to services through innovation.
Axis 4 supports ground-breaking, innovation community-led projects focusing on the themes of community transport, Information Communication Technology (ICT), community retail services and childcare.
It could include feasibility studies, community enterprise or cross-border initiatives.
Alice James, Community Regeneration Development Officer, said: “This event in St Clears is being held so that we can meet local people and explain the funding scheme and advise on projects which may be eligible.
“As officers, we work with applicants throughout the process, so it is good to start building relations with the community.”
Cllr Clive Scourfield, executive board member for regeneration, added: “This will be a worthwhile event for any community groups in rural Carmarthenshire. This pot of funding has already paid dividends to some communities, and our teams work extremely hard to secure funding for projects that are eligible.”
For further information contact Alice James or Craig Thomas on
01267 242437, or email


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