River Towy kayakers rescued

Maritime and Coastgard Agency News Release issued by COI News Distribution Service on 06 September 2009 -
At just before 1.00 pm today, a 999 call from the Towy Boat Club
reported three kayakers struggling in the fast-flowing river Towy having
capsized and become parted from their double sit-on kayaks in wind over
tide conditions.
It later transpired that the three people in the water were from a party
of kayakers who had earlier set off from Carmarthen, with the intention
of following the river downstream almost to its estuary.
Only as the incident progressed did it become clear that eleven people in total had set off at staggered times, with the least experienced going first. On their journey down-stream two of the double kayaks lost paddles and sustained broken rudders.
Subsequent information indicated that paddlers were coming ashore on both east and west river banks, some still onboard their kayaks, others were in the water.
In response to the difficulties presented in establishing numbers of persons missing and considering that some may have been taken down through the estuary towards open sea, the Coastguard sent the following units to the area:
Rescue helicopter R169 from Chivenor; Burry Port RNLI inshore
lifeboat; Tenby RNLI inshore lifeboat and all weather lifeboat; South
Pembroke Coastguard Sector Manager together with Coastguard teams from
both east and west of the estuary; the Burry Port and Llanstephan
Coastguard Rescue Teams.
Eventually all eleven paddlers, comprising a group of friends whose ages varied from teenage years to a 64-year-old, managed to make the safety of shore unaided, where they were met by Coastguard teams.
The rescue helicopter maintained a sweep of the river until all were confirmed safe.
One 64-year-old male was taken to Glangwilli Hospital, Carmarthen by ambulance, having ingested river water and exhibiting signs of shock.
Milford Haven Coastguard Watch Manager Hilary Orton said: "The kayaking trip would seem to have been inadequately organised, with no destination given at the outset – just a passing reference to it being near a sandbank.
"Several of the paddlers were totally inexperienced and inadequately kitted-out.
They had no communications and no flares were carried. The group had not
informed any authority of their intentions. During the incident it
proved difficult to establish from anyone in the party exactly how many
people were involved. Suitable safety advice was delivered to the
kayaking group by Coastguards at scene."
Coincidently, Milford Haven Coastguard co-ordinated an earlier incident today, which also involved a kayak. At 11.00 am this morning two people on board an
inflatable kayak, were reported struggling in the strong currents and
confused tides of Ramsey Sound.
Hilary added: "Kayakers are advised to adhere to safety advice: making sure they are effectively kitted out with suitable clothing, safety and communications
equipment; that they give advance warning of their intentions and take
into account weather and sea conditions and forecasts. Organisers must
adequately brief the party - including any emergency procedures.
They should also be fit for purpose - that is both kayaks and
kayakers must be adequate to what is planned, that they are working
within their capabilities."


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