Carmarthenshire TV latest

I guess I was a little off the pace with the Carmarthenshire TV row.
Fellow blogger Caebrwyn put the spotlight on the topic back on July 21 and drew attention to the secrecy issue.
Caebrwyn wrote -
I cannot think why the secrecy is necessary, the matter has already been discussed at the Carmarthenshire Local Service Board in April, chaired by Cllr M Gravell and attended by Mark James. The minutes include the following -
"Cwmni Telesgop gave a detailed presentation of a proposal for
Carmarthenshire TV. If this proposal is to be developed further it would be on a partnership basis and members of the board would be required to make a financial contribution. Chris Burns(CCC)to clarify set up and on-going costs and Board members are to seek confirmation of financial support. JJ/CM gave in principle support for the project and funding at approximately £2,000.
It was agreed To earmark £10,000 towards the Carmarthenshire TV project subject to clarification of costs and confirmed support from partners."

See Caebrwyn's blog on -


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