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Latest news from Carmarthenshire Council’s press office - Ffos Las housing plan deferred
Carmarthenshire councillors have deferred a planning application for housing at Ffos Las - in case the Welsh Assembly Government wants to look at it.
The county council’s planning committee visited the site of the proposals for up to 280 houses on land near the Ffos Las Racecourse in Trimsaran before this afternoon’s meeting at County Hall, Carmarthen.
The proposals submitted by Ffos Las Ltd lie within the area earmarked for housing directly to the south of Carway and seeks outline permission to establish the principle of up to 280 houses on the land.
Head of planning Eifion Bowen said: “The Welsh Assembly Government has received a request to call in the application and has the final say if it wants it. The committee decided to defer a decision until we know what WAG intends to do.”
The application includes plans for community benefits which would mean that 15 per cent of the housing must be affordable, £100,000 towards community facilities, the transfer of up to two acres of land to the rear of Maes y Wern for educational and community open space, and £150,000 towards secondary education given the shortage of spaces at Maesyryrfa School. This is proposed in two phases after the completion of the 100th and 200th addition dwelling now proposed.
An officers’ report says: “The opencast minerals site has been restored and is capable of accommodating the proposed housing without detrimental impact on surrounding properties.”


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