Poop scoopers!

Latest news from Carmarthenshire Council’s press office - Dog owners pledge to scoop the poop
Dog owners in Carmarthenshire have pledged to ‘scoop the poop’ and help keep our streets muck free.
Council officers were out and about during National Poop Scoop Week urging dog owners to clean up after their pets.
They handed out free poop bags and goodie bags to residents and visitors to the county as well as giving lots of information and advice.
Dog owners were also encouraged to sign a pledge to ‘grab it, bag it and bin it’ and enter a free draw to win a ‘dog loo’.
Littering our parks, pavements and public spaces, dog fouling is one of the main causes of complaint to Carmarthenshire County Council.
Although the majority of residents are responsible and pick up after their pet, a careless few are still giving dogs a bad name.
Executive board member for the environment Councillor Haydn Jones said: “Dog faeces left anywhere can be a serious health risk. All faeces contains bacteria that can cause stomach upsets if ingested, however, the greatest risk to public health from dog faeces is toxocariasis – which can cause epilepsy, asthma and even blindness.
“The majority of residents take their responsibilities seriously but there is still a small minority who do not listen.
“The council is determined to stop the problem of dog fouling and improve the environment for residents and visitors.”
The council’s environmental enforcement officers regularly patrol the county and anyone caught failing to clean up after their pet is issued with a fixed penalty notice of £75. Failure to pay could lead to prosecution in the magistrates court and a maximum fine of £1,000.
The public can also help, if they see anyone failing to clean up after their dog they should call Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234567 with the time, date and location, and a description of the dog and person in charge of the dog.
Free poop bags are available to residents from the council’s customer service centres.

CAPTION: Council officers Vicky Guntrip, Diane Phillips and Karen McNeil with Llanelli resident Joy Giles (second from right and her dog Max at the Millennium Coastal Park during National Poop Scoop Week.
Picture: Jeff Connell.


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