The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post.
Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.


A false impression:

When I was a lad, my gran warned me that watching too much television would harm my eyes.
As young boys tend to, I ignored her and absorbed as much of the three channels our 17-inch telly offered.
We were content with BBC One and Two and ITV, as there always seemed to be something ‘great’ to watch – especially on a Saturday night.
The deterioration of TV programme quality since a mind-boggling selection of channels was thrust upon us – I don’t remember asking for them, do you? - will be the subject of a future article, I am sure . . .
I had no idea my gran was a fortune teller able to look into the future as far as 2017.
Because it’s only this year that TV started to harm my eyes - to such an extent, when I hear the theme music to certain shows I take the precaution of putting on my sunglasses before damage can be inflicted on my retinas.
If you’ve watched any breakfast TV show, all-women lunchtime talk show or early evening topical/consumer-style show, your eyesight will also have been in danger.
I can’t be the only person who’s noticed that dozens of British TV presenters have had their teeth chemically treated – or possibly sand-blasted – to such an incredible degree of gleaming white brightness that, if ever their TV careers hit the rocks, they could obtain employment as lighthouses.
We’re accustomed to everyone on American TV having perfect teeth, but here it’s a fairly recent phenomenon for presenters to open their mouths and dazzle us with perfect, blindingly white gnashers – and I find it a little spooky.
One female presenter’s smile is so supernaturally white she could open her mouth and illuminate the Channel Tunnel.
Would I go in for the same treatment?
No way!
I’m much too long in the tooth!


Is there a quick fix to mental health?

I’m shocked at the recent news surrounding mental health issues and increased suicide rates in Wales involving men.
This is a disturbing subject and, thankfully, many are now starting to speak up and highlight the problem.
But so many men find it hard to speak up and ask for help – and, to a point, I can understand this.
On a regular basis, I am reading articles surrounding this subject and I am of the opinion that we are all vulnerable to mental health challenges at various points in our lives.
If not personally, then someone close to us will suffer from some sort of mental health worry.
How can we make it easier for people to speak out?
Can we help and do more?
Having witnessed family members on high doses of medication to help mental health conditions, I have seen the downside first hand.
Medication that is only to be taken for a short time is taken for years - and this again has knock-on effects.
Good company, support from friends and family makes such a huge difference to many.
Unfortunately, many are isolated and alone and finding help seems too difficult.
Continued awareness is key and an ability to recognise where and when help is needed.
Together we can make a difference.


You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and


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