The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post.
Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.



I never understood what people meant when they said, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” until a week or so ago when I read about a Llanelli man who last July painted “Happy Birthday“ (plus his girlfriend’s name) in the middle of his street.
The message came from the heart and the paint came straight from B & Q.
Other paint suppliers are available, by the way.
He must have done it when there was no traffic around, otherwise a passing lorry might have squashed his plans . . . and everything else.
The man gave away his identity by signing it, “Love Dai”, followed by a drawing of a heart and a large ‘X’.
Either he didn’t realise that painting words two-foot long on a stretch of tarmac is just as anti-social as writing them two-foot high on a wall, or he didn’t care.
In any case, that birthday greeting got him into such a deep mess that last month he ended up with a £600 fine!
How matters got that crazy would take ages to explain, so here’s the short version . . .
When originally confronted about his act of vandalism, he admitted he’d done it and received a £75 fixed penalty fine . . . which he failed to pay.
He was then prosecuted for ‘Making unauthorised marks on the highway’ (Dogs do that every day and get away with it) but he didn’t turn up at court.
In his absence, he was fined £220, plus £351 costs and a £30 ‘victim surcharge’.
Err . . . excuse me, M’lud!
Who was the ‘victim’ in this matter?
The road?
This July, hopefully ‘Dai’ will wish his girlfriend ‘Happy Birthday’ the traditional way - with a card – while wondering why in 2016 he didn’t think things through before he bought the tin of paint, became overcome with emulsion and had his ‘brush’ with the Law.


Business heroes:

Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting the BNI Business Awards held at the Diplomat Hotel, Llanelli. This was their very first awards dinner for the Llanelli Business Network International group.
The group has been established and has served the local community for more than nine years.
In addition to this, the generous businessmen and women and their guests raised a substantial amount of money for the MIND charity, which is supported by the members.
The award recipients were: Gareth Isaac of G I Carpets and Flooring, John Lewis, of Tegeus Computer Services and Graeme Fox, of Davies Craddock insurance brokers. True contributors and well-deserving winners.
This event clearly demonstrated to me that we have so many hard working ambassadors within our communities that have a hugely supportive and professional network behind them.
This group has a clear aim to serve the community and help local businesses thrive and grow so that they can reach their true potential.
They demonstrate a ‘Givers Gain’ mentality which in this day and age is so refreshing to witness.


You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and


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