Work has started on second phase of Llanelli walking and cycling route

Work has started on the second phase of a walking and cycling route which will improve links between communities and to key leisure and employment sites in Llanelli.
Phase one of the scheme – which saw a shared use path created along the A4138 between Dafen and Llangennech – has already been completed.
Now work is underway on the second phase along the B4303 Llethri Road.
The scheme will encourage sustainable travel and improve road safety in the area, linking communities for easy access to schools and shops, and employment sites including those at Llanelli Gate Business Park and the Dafen Industrial Estate, as well as Gestamp and Calsonic Kansei, who are large employers in the town.
It also forms part of the longer term plan to create a wider walking and cycling network in and around Llanelli, achieving the council’s requirements under the Active Travel Act and supporting Carmarthenshire’s aspiration to become a premier walking and cycling destination in Wales.
Construction work started at the beginning of January and is expected to be completed within 12 weeks.
The scheme has been made possible thanks to a grant through Welsh Government’s Local Transport Fund.
Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Hazel Evans said: “I am delighted that work has started on phase two of the scheme which will encourage people to cycle or walk instead of using the car.
“The longer term plan is to create a wider network that will make walking and cycling into and around the town a safe, attractive and accessible alternative to private car use.
“We want to make ‘active travel’ the most attractive option for shorter journeys and by doing so it will mean more people can enjoy the increased health benefits of active travel, which in turn will help to reduce greenhouse emissions, as well as tackle poverty and disadvantage and help our economy to grow.”
Early data indicates that the investment is having an effect, with the first phase of the path along the A4138 being regularly used by cyclists and walkers. On the basis of current usage (when we would expect figures to be lower than during the summer) it is estimated that there will be around 25,000 journeys taken in the first year.


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