Safer routes proposals for Carmarthenshire

Residents in three Carmarthenshire communities are being asked for their views on proposals to create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
The council is consulting on Safer Routes in Communities schemes for Carmarthen, Pontyberem and Pencader.
These communities were successful at the first stage of the assessment process.
Display boards showing details of the schemes will be put up in each of the areas so that people can leave feedback.
The comments will form part of a bid to Welsh Government for funding for the schemes to be carried out next year in 2017-18.
The council is also consulting directly with local schools, town and community councils and the local members.
The Safer Routes in Communities project has been developed to create a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists through the implementation of engineering measures such as cycle routes, cycle paths, traffic calming and educational road safety initiatives.
The aim is to shift away from car use for certain journeys, which results in reduced levels of congestion, improved local air quality, and an improved street scene, especially in relation to road safety.
Executive Board Member for the Environment Cllr Hazel Evans said: “The support and co-operation of the schools, businesses and local people is essential and it is important that they are involved in every stage of the project.
“Key to ensuring the long-term success of a Safe Routes in Communities project is ownership of the project's aims and objectives by the schools taking part and the local community alike.
“Any comments or issues raised will be considered as part of the ongoing development of the scheme and although it may not be possible to accommodate all suggestions, we will ensure that all responses/proposals are thoroughly investigated.”

Consultation events are taking place in the following locations:
• Pontyberem – Pontyberem Memorial Hall, Wednesday, January 18, 3pm-5pm.
• Pencader – Pencader Pavilion, Thursday, January 19, 3pm-6pm.
• Carmarthen – St Peters Civic Hall (foyer), Friday, January 20, 12noon- 1.30pm and 3pm-5pm.

All comments need to be in by January 27. For further information please contact Thomas Evans on email or call 01267 228258.

Details of each of the schemes are set out below together with a pdf. map link:

New path linking Brandway with the school;
Potential new footpath through the park to the Memorial Hall;
Improved access to the park, dropped kerbs & tactile crossings; and parent waiting shelters
Upgrade to signalised crossing outside the school.

Proposed uncontrolled tactile crossing point;
Proposed footway (general width of 1.2m) along B4459 from the Maescader estate to Tremle Farm.
Parent waiting shelter at school;
Improved access to playing field.

Improved access into Ysgol y Dderwen via Llys Fynnon;
Safer crossing points and traffic calming measures along Lime Grove Avenue;
Raised plateau and improved lighting around Pondside, Johnstown;
Improved walking links to Richmond School;
Proposed zebra crossing and parent waiting shelter at Model School.


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