Official opening for Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth

Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth has enjoyed an official opening to celebrate its £18.4million investment.
Council Leader Cllr Emlyn Dole unveiled the plaque as part of the ceremony which included entertainment from school pupils and speeches from dignitaries.
The scheme included a new two storey design and technology and science block, linked to the existing building.
A new sports hall houses four badminton courts, together with an adjoining classroom and changing rooms.
An energy centre has been constructed, and external work included a new school entrance, hard play areas, car park, bus parking area and games courts.
Various areas within the existing buildings have been refurbished together with re-modelling of playing fields.
The investment at Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth was made through Carmarthenshire County Council’s Modernising Education Programme, delivered with funding from the Welsh Government
Education executive board member Cllr Gareth Jones said: “Ysgol Maes y Gwendraeth is the latest school to benefit from our multi-million-pound investment programme, which aims to give every child in Carmarthenshire the best possible learning environment and facilities.”

For a video of the opening, see link -
My Stupeflix Video 8 from Cyngor Sir Gâr | Carms Council on Vimeo.


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