White Ribbon Campaign against domestic violence backed by Carmarthenshire Council

The White Ribbon Campaign against domestic violence is again being backed by leading members of Carmarthenshire County Council.
Council Leader Emlyn Dole, Chairman Cllr Eryl Morgan, Chief Executive Mark James and Jake Morgan, Director of Community Services have signed the campaign’s pledge not to commit or condone violence against women and girls.
The Council is working alongside community safety partners to end domestic abuse. While the majority of victims are women and girls, domestic abuse affects both sexes. The Council is supporting the White Ribbon Campaign which focuses on targeting violence against women by men and boys and promoting respectful relationships. It is led by men who are willing to take a stand against violence against women and girls and to be positive role models to other men in their community.
The fifth annual Candlelit Walk to remember women who have lost their lives as a result of male violence will be held in Carmarthen town centre on Thursday November 24. The walk will start at St Catherine’s Walk, proceed through the town centre followed by speeches at St Peter’s Hall where refreshments will be available. Everyone is invited.
Every week, two women in the UK are murdered by a current or former partner. While the number of incidents tends to be under-reported, the number of high risk cases dealt with locally continues to increase.
Leader Cllr Emlyn Dole said: “I fully support the aims of this campaign. We must do everything possible to prevent all forms of domestic abuse and to change the perception and stigma around it.”
Chair Cllr Eryl Morgan said: “I would call on men and boys in Carmarthenshire to sign this pledge in support of this very important campaign to tackle domestic violence.”
Chief Executive Mark James said: “It is important that people have the confidence to speak out about domestic violence in the knowledge that that there is support from local organisations.”
Executive board member, Chair of the Community Safety Partnership and Domestic Abuse Champion Cllr Pam Palmer said: “I’m pleased that the Council is again backing the White Ribbon Campaign this year. We need to recognise that anyone can be vulnerable to domestic violence, that support is available and that it needs to be reported and tackled.”
Anyone wishing to support the campaign is welcome to:
  • Buy and wear a white ribbon to show your support.
  • Attend the candlelit walk on November 24, all welcome.
  • Men and boys can sign the purple pledge book, available at the Carmarthen Journal Offices in King Street throughout November.
High profile, well known or influential male figures are asked to show their support by having their photos taken signing the pledge book or wearing white ribbons. The campaign is always on the lookout for positive male role models eg sports teams who will show their support.

For support and information about local services available to both men and women, contact the free, confidential, 24 hour All Wales telephone helpline, Live Fear Free – contact 0808 80 10 800.



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