Call for new and innovative rural project ideas

The LEADER programme, which aims to support the regeneration of rural Carmarthenshire, has opened a new call for Expressions of Interest.
LEADER is designed to get local people, businesses and communities involved in delivering sustainable, innovative solutions to address some of the economic, social and environmental challenges facing rural Carmarthenshire.
The Local Action Group - Grŵp Cefn Gwlad is managing the LEADER programme in Carmarthenshire.
LEADER is part of the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020, which is financed by the Welsh Government and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The types of projects that may be funded include:

  • Pilot projects - small scale and time limited activities aimed at testing out a concept or to try an innovative technique. E.g. piloting new ways of delivering rural services using modern technology
  • Feasibility studies to undertake research into a specific issue or problem
  • Facilitation and mentoring support to organisations and groups to help develop their skills and expertise.

The programme can provide financial support of up to 80% towards a project’s costs.
In this fourth call, Grŵp Cefn Gwlad is seeking innovative projects to address specific LEADER priorities within the following themes -

  • Theme 1 – Adding Value to Local Identity and Natural and Cultural Resources.
  • Theme 2 – Facilitating Pre-Commercial Development, Business Partnerships and Short Supply Chains
  • Theme 3 – Exploring New Ways of Providing Non – Statutory Local Services
  • Theme 4 – Renewable Energy at a Community Level
  • Theme 5 – Exploitation of Digital Technology

Please follow this link (specific to this call) to read about the LDS objectives and LEADER priorities that we are seeking to address through this call.
Further information on the LEADER programme can be accessed via the following link.
The LAG can also support projects that cooperate with other geographical areas via inter-territorial or transnational working.
If you have an innovative idea to address any of the priorities within the above themes, please contact the RDP team on 01267 242431/394; email
The deadline for submission of the Expression of Interest is 16 December 2016


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