Are you up for the challenge at Pembrey Country Park?

Some 1,200 competitors have signed up for the iNVNCBL challenge at Pembrey Country Park.
The demanding, high energy obstacle event, is due to be held on Saturday, July 2 and has attracted people from all over the UK.
The 10k course of Welsh terrain will see competitors jumping, crawling, sliding and swinging at every turn, along with dune running.
You don’t have to be superhuman to take part as there are levels for all abilities but a basic level of fitness will ensure you enjoy the event more.
There is no need to splurge on expensive kit, just make sure you have a good pair of trainers with a decent tread and sole. Tie those laces tight or secure with duct tape. Avoid anything cotton that will become heavy and waterlogged in water, instead wear light weight tech clothing that will dry quickly and won’t weigh you down. Gloves will protect from splinters and rope burns. Don’t forget a towel and a spare change of clothing to change into after the event.
For those wishing to visit the park, the usual car parking charge applies. Visitors are reminded that they can purchase sandwiches, crisps, confectionary, plus hot and cold drinks at the Ski Centre or make use of the picnic facilities throughout the park.
Cllr Meryl Gravell, Executive Board Member for Regeneration and Leisure, said: “This is the first event of its kind to be held in the park and I’m sure it will be great fun for both competitors and visitors come rain or shine. It’s great to see so many people taking an interest in holding events such as these as it helps with costs associated with running and improving the park as well as showcasing Carmarthenshire as a first class tourist location.”
Entries will close on Friday, June 24. Register at



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