Have your say in S4C’s Sports Survey

Do you have a keen interest in sport?
Do you watch programmes such as Sgorio, Clwb Rygbi and Club on S4C?
If so, S4C would like to hear your opinion.
The channel is holding a special Sports Survey featuring a variety of questions on its most popular sports programmes.
There are also questions on how you watch these programmes, for example, on the television, the web or your mobile device, as well as asking you about your favourite sports.
The survey should take no more than a few minutes, and you can answer in Welsh or in English.
Sue Butler, S4C Sports Content Commissioner, said, “Our sports programmes form an important part of S4C’s schedule. Hearing the opinions of our viewers will be very useful to us as we look to plan the future of our service.”
To take part in the Survey, go to


Rhowch eich barn yn Arolwg Chwaraeon S4C
A oes gennych ddiddordeb mawr mewn chwaraeon? A ydych chi’n gwylio rhaglenni fel Sgorio, Clwb Rygbi a Clwb?
Os felly, byddai S4C yn falch iawn i glywed eich barn. Mae’r sianel yn cynnal Arolwg Chwaraeon arbennig sy’n cynnwys cwestiynau amrywiol am y rhaglenni chwaraeon yr ydych chi’n hoffi eu gwylio.
Mae yna hefyd gwestiynau am sut yr ydych chi’n gwylio rhaglenni, er enghraifft, teledu, y we neu ffôn symudol a hefyd beth yw eich hoff chwaraeon.
Ni ddylai’r arolwg gymryd mwy nag ychydig funudau. Mae modd ateb yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.
Meddai Sue Butler, Comisiynydd Chwaraeon S4C, “Mae ein gwasanaeth chwaraeon yn rhan bwysig o amserlen S4C. Bydd cael barn y gwylwyr yn help mawr inni wrth gynllunio ar gyfer y gwasanaeth yn y dyfodol.”
I gymryd rhan yn yr Arolwg, ewch i https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/arolwgchwaraeon


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