The latest Clay Shaw Butler Money Matters column from the Carmarthenshire Herald

The latest Clay Shaw Butler Money Matters column from the Carmarthenshire Herald.
By Mark Jones, director of Carmarthen-based Clay Shaw Butler chartered accountants and business consultants.

‘Always read the small print’ is a very worthy piece of advice.
It’s something we are very keen on doing for our clients at Clay Shaw Butler.
The devil, as they say, is in the detail.
Which is why we continue, in Money Matters this week, to examine some of the detailed issues of the recent Budget and its implications for businesses.
Here are a few topics which caught our eye in George Osborne’s Budget report -
Making tax digital:
From 2018 businesses, self-employed people and landlords who are keeping records digitally and providing regular digital updates to HMRC will be able to adopt pay-as-you-go tax payments. This will enable them to choose payment patterns that suit them and better manage their cash flow.
Company distributions:
Legislation will be introduced with effect from 6 April 2016 to:
amend the Transactions in Securities legislation, which is designed to prevent tax advantages in certain circumstances. The amendments, for example, include liquidations as potentially coming within the scope of the legislation
introduce a new Targeted Anti-Avoidance Rule, which would prevent some distributions in a liquidation being taxed as capital, where certain conditions are met and there is an intention to gain a tax advantage.
In some situations, shareholders of close companies can receive a payment from the company which is taxed as a capital gain instead of as dividend income. If Entrepreneurs’ Relief is available the gain will be subject to only 10% tax. The government is concerned that the new dividend tax rates introduced from 6 April 2016 will encourage shareholders to convert to capital what might otherwise be taxed as income.
Abolition of Class 2 National Insurance Contributions (NIC):
The government will abolish Class 2 NIC from April 2018. The government will publish its response to the recent consultation on state benefit entitlement for the self-employed in due course. This will set out details of how the self-employed will access contributory benefits after Class 2 is abolished.
Property and trading income allowances:
From April 2017, the government will introduce a new £1,000 allowance for property and trading income. Individuals with property or trading income below £1,000 will no longer need to declare or pay tax on that income. Those with income above the allowance will be able to calculate their taxable profit either by deducting their expenses in the normal way or by simply deducting the relevant allowance.
Reform of Substantial Shareholding Exemption (SSE):SSE means that capital gains on corporate share disposals are not subject to UK corporation tax where certain conditions are satisfied.
It was introduced in 2002 and was designed to ensure that tax does not act as a disincentive to commercially desirable business sales or group restructuring.
There have been significant developments in the UK and international corporate tax landscape since the SSE was first introduced. The government will therefore consult on the extent to which the SSE is still delivering on its original policy objective and whether there could be changes to its detailed design in order to increase its simplicity, coherence and international competitiveness.
Petroleum Revenue Tax (PRT):
The rate of PRT will be permanently reduced to zero for all chargeable periods ending after 31 December 2015.
The government will change the deduction of tax at source regime to bring all international royalty payments arising in the UK within the charge to income tax, unless those taxing rights have been given up under a double taxation agreement or the EU Interest and Royalties Directive.

You can find out more about money matters on the Clay Shaw Butler website (under our news for business section) -
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