Positive progress for Withybush cancer services in Pembrokeshire

The future of cancer services in Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, is bright as plans to build a new Chemotherapy Day Unit and extensively refurbish Ward 10 take another step forward.
While work to draw up a detailed tender specification for the new Chemotherapy Day Unit continues, a second working group has also been set up to take forward the redesign of the existing palliative care, oncology and haematology area (Ward 10).
This will provide a modern, purpose-built inpatient facility for patients admitted to Withybush Hospital.
The group is chaired by the Clinical Lead for Withybush Hospital, Dr Iain Robertson Steel, and reports directly into the Withybush Implementation Group.
The new group is currently considering the facilities that need to be provided in the Ward 10 area including inpatient beds, isolation facilities, en-suite facilities and additional patient facilities such as a day room and space for relatives. All facilities will be dementia friendly, will cater for patients with specialist needs and meet legislative requirements for disability access.
Funds raised to date for the Ward 10 development include just over £300,000 by the University Health Board’s Pembrokeshire Cancer Services Funds and £11,830 by Elly’s Ward 10 Flag Appeal.
Director of Operations for Hywel Dda University Health Board, Joe Teape, said: “We are extremely grateful to all of our fundraisers for their time, their endless enthusiasm and for the considerable funds that they have raised to help to drive forward these significant improvements to cancer services for the people of Pembrokeshire. It is very pleasing to see these important projects beginning to come to fruition.”
The next steps for the project include:
• Designing draft plans with the Ward 10 staff for further discussion with staff and stakeholders
• Undertaking a survey of Ward 10 patients, their families and carers co-ordinated by the Community Health Council. This will focus on the patient environment and experience.
• Planning future engagement events with the stakeholders and Ward 10 service users. A new stakeholder group, similar to the stakeholder group for the Chemotherapy Day Unit, will be established for the Ward 10 project.
• Preparing a submission to Welsh Government for the rest of the funding required for the development.
Lyn Neville, Elly's Ward 10 Flag Appeal, added: "We very much appreciate the support shown for Elly's Flag from all corners of Pembrokeshire. Donations and letters of support show that the public want and expect the best Cancer services possible for the people of the county.
“The fundraising effort will continue and we look forward to working closely with Ward 10 staff on this exciting project.”
If you would like to make a donation towards any ward, service or department across the Hywel Dda University Health Board area, please contact Hywel Dda Health Charities on 01267 239815, fundraising.hyweldda@wales.nhs.uk or visit


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