Latest news from the Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen

Latest news from the Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen - 

Clwb Artistiaid Ifanc - Oriel Myrddin Gallery - Young Artists Club 2016

Mae clwb celf creadigol ar gyfer plant 8-11 oed yn cychwyn ar ddydd Sadwrn 16 Ionawr 2016 odan arweiniad yr artist Julie Ann Sheridan.
Mae croeso i gyw artistiaid ifanc ymgofrestru ar gyfer tymor bywiog newydd o weithgareddau celf rhwng 11am a 1pm (bob pythefnos) yn stiwdio’r oriel.
Dyddiadau tymor y Gwanwyn 2016 :
16 & 30 Ionawr 2016
13 & 27 Chwefror 2016
12 Mis Mawrth 2016
£20 y tymor (rhaid archebu lle ymlaen llaw - dim ond hyn a hyn o leoedd sydd ar gael)
I gofrestru ar gyfer Clwb artistiaid Ifance cysylltwch â’r oriel

A hands-on, creative art club for children aged 8-11 begins on Saturday 16 January 2016 taught by artist Julie Ann Sheridan.
Budding young artists can sign up for a lively term of (fortnightly) Saturday art activities in the gallery’s studio space from 11am–1pm.
Spring 2016 term dates:
16 & 30 January 2016
13 & 27 February 2016
12 March 2016
£20 per term (Booking is essential as spaces are limited)
To sign up for the Young Artists Club please contact the gallery

LabCelf Tymor y Gwanwyn // ArtLab Spring Term 2016

Ydych chi’n 11–14 oed? Ydych chi’n hoffi celf?
Beth am gofrestru am ein gweithdai bob pythefnos gyda’r artist Daniel Trivedy a darganfod ystod o ddulliau o wneud celf?
Dydd Mercher:
13 & 27 Ionawr
10 & 24 Chwefror
9 Mawrth 2016
4.30-6.30pm yn stiwdio gelf Oriel Myrddin Gallery.
£20 am y tymor
Dim ond hyn a hyn o leoedd ar gael
Rhowch alwad i’r oriel neu galwch mewn i archebu eich lle
Are you aged 11–14? Do have a passion for art?
Why not sign up for our fortnightly workshops with artist Daniel Trivedy and explore a range of approaches to making art?
13 & 27 January
10 & 24 February
9 March 2016
4.30–6.30pm in the art studio at Oriel Myrddin Gallery
£20 for the term
Spaces are limited
Please telephone or visit the gallery to book your place

Oriel Myrddin Gallery
Church Lane, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire SA31 1LH
01267 222 775
Website -


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