The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post

The latest Phil Evans column from the South Wales Evening Post.
Comedian Phil Evans is from Ammanford. He is known as the man who puts the ‘cwtsh’ into comedy.


There are more questions than answers . . . 
If you ever feel the need to delve into the mysteries of the human condition, you could spend months in dusty libraries, studying the works of philosophers like Plato, Descartes and Bertrand Russell.
If you persevere, eventually you’ll penetrate the deep complexity of their opinions on the ultimate purpose of the human race.
Alternatively you could switch the radio on and listen to some Golden Oldies, like Johnny Nash’s big hit from 1972 that contained these wise words...

There are more questions than answers 
Pictures in my mind that will not show 
There are more questions than answers 
And the more I find out the less I know. 
The more I find out, the less I know. 

Isn’t that deeply profound?
I’m a man approaching 35 (I won’t say from which direction) who’s survived many life experiences; travelled the world; met and worked with major entertainment stars; performed to audiences who laughed loud and long, making me feel a hundred feet tall; and also performed to audiences whose crossed-arms, sour-faced reactions made me want to leave comedy and become a monk.
So life has led me to believe that there really are more questions than answers.
For example...
  • Do feminists believe a miss is as good as a male? 
  • When Donald Trump was a kid, did he invite his friends around for a comb-over? 
  • If we’re descended from the apes, why doesn’t my cousin Harold like bananas? 
  • Did the Lilliputians have a small town mentality? 
  • If a dog is man’s best friend, why hasn’t my Spaniel ever bought me a pint? 
  • If birds suddenly appear, every time you are near...have you got bread crumbs in your hair? 
  • Does the NASA space programme costs billions because there’s no such thing as a free launch? 
  • If Simon Cowell is so rich, why can’t he afford shirts that button-up to the neck? 
  • The old song warns us ‘Never smile at a crocodile’ but if we did smile at them occasionally, would they change their bad attitude? 
  • If a psychic midget escaped from prison, would the newspaper headline be “Small medium at large”? 
  • If ‘Opportunity’ seldom knocks twice, is it employed by Parcel Force? 
  • They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. But if they’re so tough, why don’t they hang around and protect the rest of us? 
Thanks to temporary insomnia, I’m writing this at three o’ clock in the morning.
So here’s another question.
It doesn’t show, does it?


We share the fear:
On Saturday we woke up once again to more shocking and tragic news of so many lives lost on Friday night in Paris.
To murder innocent people who have no hope or chance of defending themselves in any way is pure evil. It is cowardly and hiding behind religion doesn’t fit anymore.
We therefore continue to live in challenging times and whilst peace in our lifetime is unlikely to happen, we mustn’t give up hope. Strong leadership is needed right now as we must continue to protect the lives of vulnerable and innocent people. We must all stand strong to ensure evil does not win.
So many of us are fortunate to live in safe towns and countries where freedom is taken for granted, but as Friday evenings atrocities showed, everything can change so quickly. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and loved ones of the people who lost their lives in Paris.


Mind your manners:
Call me old fashioned, but I’m a big supporter of please and thank you.
It costs nothing to be polite and to appreciate an act of kindness.
Far too often I witness such acts being totally ignored. Take last week for instance, I saw a young man hold a door open for a middle aged lady in a busy Swansea shop and was shocked to see that this gentlemanly gesture was totally ignored. Fair play to him, he just smiled and went on with his day.
This also happens on our busy roads, if I’m stuck in traffic I often let people in if safe to do so but unfortunately very few people acknowledge the gesture.
Are we becoming a nation of arrogant individuals, or is it that we are so preoccupied in our own little world that others don’t matter or deserve acknowledgment for being polite and courteous anymore?
Write and let me know your stories if this has happened to you. The best story will win an extremely popular gift from Evans HQ! Good luck and get writing!

You can follow Phil Evans on Twitter @philevanswales and


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