The latest Clay Shaw Butler Money Matters column from the Carmarthenshire Herald

The latest Clay Shaw Butler Money Matters column from the Carmarthenshire Herald.
By Mark Jones, director of Carmarthen-based Clay Shaw Butler chartered accountants and business consultants.

Tax credits have been in the news (again!) and this is one issue the Chancellor George Osborne is expected to review in the Autumn Statement coming up at the end of the month.
The House of Lords voted to reject the Statutory Instrument which contained the cuts to tax credits.
The Chancellor has promised to continue to reform tax credits . . . while at the same time lessening the impact on families ‘during the transition’.
The key changes originally proposed were:
  • lowering the income threshold for Working Tax Credits from £6,420 to £3,850 a year from April 2016 
  • increasing the rate at which those payments are cut. Currently, for every £1 claimants earn above the threshold, they lose 41p. It was proposed that from April 2016, the taper rate would accelerate to 48p. 
There are some tax issues which may also be progressed in the Autumn Statement.
These include:
  • IR35 - following a period of discussion proposals are expected to be announced to reform the system and operation of taxation which applies to personal service companies. 
  • Pensions tax relief - limiting the amount of tax reliefs for pensions. The government has been consulting to establish whether the tax relief system provides incentives for individuals to save and that the costs of pension tax relief are affordable. 
The Chancellor will make his 2015 Autumn Statement on Wednesday, November 25.
The team here at Clay Shaw Butler will keep you up to speed on the pertinent announcements.
Meanwhile, the Government has announced that the tax gap for 2013/14 was 6.4% of tax due.
The tax gap, which is the difference between the amount of tax due and the amount collected, has fallen from 8.4% in 2005/06.
The Government estimates that this reduction in the percentage tax gap since 2005/06 represents an additional £57 billion in cumulative tax collected over the eight-year period.
According to the taxman at HMRC, the largest reduction is in the corporation tax gap which has halved since 2005/06, from 14% to 7% of tax liabilities.
The downward trend applies to all sizes of businesses, with the overall reduction driven mainly by large businesses.
David Gauke, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said: “The UK has one of the lowest tax gaps in the world, and this Government is determined to continue fighting evasion and avoidance wherever it occurs.
“If the tax gap percentage had stayed at its 2009/10 value of 7.3%, £14.5 billion less tax would have been collected.
“There is understandable anger when individuals or companies are perceived not to be contributing their fair share, but we can reassure the public that the proportion going unpaid is low and this Government is dedicated to bringing it down further.”
In other news, the first industry-wide survey since the general election sets out businesses' pensions priorities this Parliament.
The CBI (Confederation of British Industry) has reported that according to the latest survey companies wish for stability on tax, policy and funding to boost pensions.
The survey, which was carried out in conjunction with Mercer, reported that:
  • Almost eight out of 10 respondents are against further changes in pension taxation, while the majority cited certainty as the government's top pension priority in this Parliament, as recent substantial reforms bed in. 
  • The percentage of respondents identifying the need to make auto-enrolment administration easier leaped to nearly 70% compared with just 41% in 2013. Two thirds also cited changing regulation adding to the compliance burden. And the vast majority indicated that increasing take-up levels among employees for existing schemes must be a priority, rather than raising minimum contributions. 
Neil Carberry, CBI Director of Employment and Skills, said: “Recent regulatory changes, coupled with auto-enrolment and state pension reform, mean UK business leaders now crave stability.
“Businesses want to focus on ensuring employees are making the most of what's on offer, but there is clear concern about regulatory changes eroding incentives to save, which must be avoided at all costs.'
“Businesses are clear that the current framework of pensions tax relief at the point of saving - while complex - is the best for encouraging pension saving.
“Losing this would remove company incentives, as employer-provided pensions are the only way to deliver low-cost saving at substantial scale at levels above automatic enrolment rules. A change would cause damage to the fiscal position too in the long-term.”
Of course, if you would like help with pensions please get in touch with the team at Clay Shaw Butler.
Finally, HMRC have announced that a campaign aimed at helping residential landlords get their tax affairs in order has brought in more than £50 million making it one of their most successful voluntary disclosure opportunities.
As a result of the Let Property Campaign, which HMRC launched in September 2013, more than 10,000 landlords have come forward to disclose tax on previously undeclared income.
Caroline Addison, Head of Campaigns at HMRC, said: “The Let Property Campaign bringing in more than £50 million is further proof that our campaigns approach works. HMRC's 20 campaigns have now together generated over £1 billion across a variety of sectors.
“Throughout the Let Property Campaign, HMRC has written to over 80,000 landlords and over 50,000 customers have used the campaign's online educational products.”
Please contact Clay Shaw Butler if you would like advice on this area.
You can find out more about money matters on the Clay Shaw Butler website (under our news for business section) -
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