Proposals to control dogs in Carmarthenshire get go ahead

Proposals to help control dogs in Carmarthenshire’s public places have been given the go ahead by Carmarthenshire Council’s Executive Board.
The board met to discuss making Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) subject to a formal consultation exercise being carried out.
The orders include cleaning up after your dog on all public land in the county, putting your dog on a lead when directed by an authorised officer and excluding dogs from children’s play areas.
Further recommendations from the Environmental and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee to introduce orders for dogs to be kept on leads on sports pitches, parks and playgrounds and on all public highways were not taken forward at this time.
However, Executive Board Member for Environmental and Public Protection Cllr Jim Jones said a review would be carried out in six months.
Cllr Jones said: “This is long overdue, residents and community councils have been asking us to act on this for some time.
“I am pleased with the three recommendations we are approving, however the scrutiny committee also wanted another two introduced. I would like to move forward today with the three recommendations, but propose a review six months after implementation, which would also consider the other two proposals.”
A public survey was carried out in April/May to find out residents views and the council also consulted with partner organisations and interested parties such as the Police, town and community councils, The Kennel Club and The Dogs Trust.
People can still have their say on the three orders being proposed as the council must carry out statutory consultation. A final decision will then be made by the Executive Board Member.
Visit the council website for further updates on the consultation.


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