Have your say on Llandeilo library services

People in Carmarthenshire are being given the opportunity to have their say on Llandeilo Library services.
The Carmarthenshire Council proposal includes the relocation of the current library to the Municipal Building for improved access as well as the enhancement of ICT and extended opening hours.
The county council is considering introducing self service issue and return points to allow for borrowing, returning, paying and booking which will help free up time for our staff to ensure the right care and time is given to all users. This will also enable the service to provide more community based events and activities within the library.
The consultation is being carried out until April 12 on i-Local by completing a short survey. Carmarthenshire Libraries manager, Mark Jewell said: “We want to consult with the public and their views will help inform our final decision. This survey also provides an opportunity to express any ideas people may have that have not considered as part of this consultation.”


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