Aberystwyth volcano experts on Science Cafe menu

Two Aberystwyth University academics will be appearing on this week’s edition of BBC Radio Wales programme Science Café which will be broadcast on Tuesday 7th October at 6.30pm and again on Sunday 12 October at 6.30pm.
Dr Carina Fearnley and Professor John Grattan will be talking to presenter Adam Walton about volcanic activity following recent volcanic events.
Dr Fearnley, who specialises in disaster risk reduction, will be talking about the deadly impact of non-explosive volcanoes that can put large quantities of gas into the atmosphere affecting climates, volcanism in Wales and the potential for large scale volcanism from super volcanoes as well as covering other areas of the subject.
Professor Grattan will be speaking about risk and vulnerability in Britain and Europe to major volcanic eruptions and the resiliency of the human species to gigantic events. This links into his involvement with SAGES (Scientific Advice to Government in Emergencies) where he provides advice to the Cabinet Office on the Icelandic Eruptions.
The half-hour programme will be broadcast on BBC Radio Wales from 6.30pm, and can be listened to online at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radiowales or alternatively on 95.3 FM.
The episode will subsequently be available to listen to on BBC IPlayer Radio http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04jmbbr.


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