Want to find out more about recycling in Carmarthenshire?

Are you a member of a group or society and would like to find out more about recycling?
The council’s waste and recycling section are urging any groups or associations in the county to get in touch if they would like to find out about ways to reuse, reduce and recycle waste and answer any questions people may have on the county’s recycling scheme.
Other topics discussed are what rubbish can be placed into blue bags, what happens to waste after it has been collected and more information on the weekly food waste bin collections as well as more information on the county’s scheme for residents over 50-years-old who are unable to get to their nearest glass recycling centre.
Officers have already spoken to many groups and organisations such as WI’s and Senior Citizen groups in the county but would be happy to hear from any other groups who would be interested in finding out more or asking any questions.
Executive Board Member for Technical Services Cllr Colin Evans said: “Events like this are very important; people appreciate discussing issues with officers in person rather than reading a leaflet or picking up a phone.
“It is important we do all we can to recycle as much of our rubbish as possible and I am sure that if we all work together we can really make a difference.”
Last year the county recycled around 55% of its rubbish but must achieve a target of 58% by 2015/16 rising to 70% by 2025. Failure to reach the Welsh Government targets could result in large financial penalties.
If you would like our recycling advisors to come out and talk to your group please contact Carmarthenshire Direct on 01267 234 567 or email TSRecycling@carmarthenshire.gov.uk.
More information on recycling can be found at www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/recycling


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