Latest news from the Brecon Jazz Club team -

Latest news from the Brecon Jazz Club team - 

Hello everyone - some Brecon Jazz Festival (BJF) concert updates -
If like us you love the sound of the Hammond organ in a jazz set, then our 'ORGANIC' concert is for you. Actually, there isn't anyone who doesn't like the Hammond organ, is there? The only Hammond in the festival this year, we've booked leading artist Jean-paul Gard and he will be fronting with a festival favourite, the wonderful Saxophonist, Dominic Norcross. Yes, you will have heard Dominic play at our jazz club, and perhaps on Festival strollers & fringe gigs too in the past. You won't have heard him team up his Welsh sax virtuosity with the Hammond organ! This is a special, and they are here with a fantastic team of John Davies on guitar and Eddie John on drums. For only £12 per person, and having your lunch a little later, you can either fit this in or make it the highlight of the day/weekend. Please join us to welcome Dominic, Jean-paul, John & Eddie to the full concert stage at the Anniversary Brecon Jazz Festival. NB this concert is not (yet) sold out! Book your tickets via the Theatr Brycheiniog website, or let us know, and we'll sort it with Orchard when their BJF website is amended.
Details: 12.30 on Sunday 10 August in the Guildhall, tickets £12+ spf

LADY BLUES will steal you away
Lady Nade and the Silhouettes: we heard Nade and really liked her sounds. It's groovy, blues-inflected and brings together contemporary vocal and jazz talents with memories of the great singers of the past. Based in Bristol, she and the Silhouettes get rave reviews: a 'gorgeous voice', 'blew away the audience', 'stole the show without trying', 'a voice with the husky resonance of a life well-lived and lessons learned'. We are really pleased to have been able to book Nade and her band, and were recommended by our friends Aberjazz, who run a jazz club and festival in West Wales. They had such a fantastic audience response to their last appearance, that they are booking them again. But we got in first! Again, we've tried to make it a concert in timing and pricing that you can fit in with other gigs or as the hotspot of the day - and a great one to brings your friends along to. Book via theatr or
Details: 3pm Sunday 10 August in the Guildhall, tickets £12 + spf

WELSH ALL STARS - awesome lineup and sounds
An amazing lineup to round off your evening or even pop into. We've commissioned the most varied, melodic set ever, with features from marvellous Welsh-based musicians, some of whom we've all enjoyed at gigs and events, but never before all together in this true extravaganza of a lineup. How do we do it?! Well, we can if you support it, so dig deep, and go for 'one more concert', you know you can. Ten quid and 90 minutes of excellence - feelgood factor guaranteed. Bookable via theatr or
Details: 8pm Sunday 10 August in the Guildhall, tickets £10 + spf

THANK YOU to everyone who has already bought tickets to date...but please buy one or two more! The three concerts above are all really high quality. For info, the 'day' tickets for Sunday @ Guildhall are now sold out - sorry - as is the Remi Harris concert, so we know you've been active!

Have a lovely Festival -
Lynne, Roger, Barrie, Rosie, David and co
Brecon Jazz Club


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