Further delays on reopening Llanelli Leisure Centre pool

Further technical problems have been encountered at Llanelli Leisure Centre leading to longer delays in reopening the pool.
It had been hoped that the pool, which has been closed since major damage occurred during the storms earlier this year, would be reopened before the end of the summer holidays.
However, significant changes are now having to be made to the planned works after a higher level of asbestos was found to that originally expected.
Although asbestos in older buildings is perfectly normal and left undisturbed pose no problems, the way it has to be dealt with within a construction environment is different to the usual method of work.
Therefore, the planned timetable and method of working has had to be altered to accommodate the changes.
This has resulted in the contractor having to design additional structural scaffolding and to submit a revised construction phase plan.
The work was originally estimated to cost around £300,000, however it is now expected to be higher, but funding has been made available.
Executive board member Cllr Meryl Gravell added: “We do sincerely apologise for this further inconvenience whilst work is carried out, however we could not have foreseen these problems.
“Unfortunately the damage caused during the storms was very severe and it was never going to be an easy fix, this added complication does set us back by a few weeks, but we are doing everything we can, working with the contractors, to accomplish the work and reopen the pool as soon as possible.”
Damage was caused to the building during the storms and high winds with the swimming pool atrium and flat roof areas of most concern.
The pool has had to be closed ever since, all clients including swimming clubs, schools and those who have booked swimming lessons have been contacted and alternative arrangements made.
Senior Sport & Leisure manager Carl Daniels said the new timetable meant work was unlikely to be completed before the end of August with a reopening date of early September.
Regular updates will be publicised via Facebook, Carmarthenshire Sport and Leisure and Twitter @sportcarms.


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