Carmarthen Castle flag theft branded a dangerous stunt

The theft of a flag from the top of Carmarthen Castle has been condemned as a dangerous stunt which could have caused loss of life.
The six foot square flag was flying above the castle gates approximately 30 feet from the ground.
Valued at £200, the flag representing Owain Glyndwr pictured a yellow lion against a red background.
To reach it, the thief must have scaled the castle walls and climbed along the top. To get the flag, the rope attaching it to the pole was burned through.
The flags on the castle were put up by the county council’s tourism department as part of an enhancement scheme to make the area more attractive to residents and visitors.
It will now cost taxpayers money to buy a replacement flag and to carry out the work associated with putting it up and making it safe.
Executive board member for tourism Cllr Meryl Gravell said: “Whilst at first glance this may seem like a childish prank, it was in fact a very dangerous stunt.
“The person, or people, who did this would have risked their lives climbing along the top of the castle gates.
“There is a fall of around 30 feet to the ground, a fall of that distance onto hard stone could have caused serious injury or even death.
“Our tourism department works hard to bring visitors to our county, and it is a shame that the person or people who have done this have so completely disrespected their work, and what they are trying to achieve for the town of Carmarthen.”
If anyone witnessed the incident or has information as to the whereabouts of the flag, they are asked to contact PC Simon Lewis at Carmarthen Police Station on 101.


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