Planned sports fee increases could be halted in Carmarthenshire

Planned increases in charges for sporting facilities from 2015 could be stopped pending a review, Carmarthenshire’s Leader announced today.
Cllr Kevin Madge said he would be seeking the support of the Executive Board to review the proposed charges which have caused considerable concern amongst sports clubs.
The increase planned for 2014-15 will go ahead, however those charges remain lower than the national average.
It was the hikes earmarked for years two and three – 2015/16 and 2016/17 – which have caused the most concern.
They were being brought in to remove the subsidy of almost £300,000 which it currently costs the council to maintain some clubs.
Over half the sporting clubs in Carmarthenshire operate without county council subsidies, either running their own facilities or using those of the town or community councils.
A number of asset transfers, where sporting facilities currently run by the county council are handed over to either town or community councils or sporting organisations, are underway.
Cllr Madge said the asset transfer programme continued to be of central importance in helping to find the budget savings needed of around £31million over three years.
“We still have to balance our books,” Cllr Madge said. “And subsidising some sports clubs to the amount of £264,000 whilst others look after themselves is not a situation that can continue.
“However, we do appreciate that there is major concern amongst those clubs affected that they cannot afford the proposed prices in years two and three.
“I am proposing that a full review of all the charges should be carried out, and that further talks take place with all clubs and organisations affected by this.
“We fully support sport throughout Carmarthenshire, as a former referee myself I know how valuable it is to people’s lives and how much difference it can make, particularly for children and young people.
“We wouldn’t want to discourage anyone from participating in any sport, hence my proposal to go back to the drawing board on this to come to an agreement and way forward we can all live with.”
Cllr Colin Evans, the executive board member who is responsible for sports facilities, said he fully supported Cllr Madge.
“This has been difficult for clubs, and difficult for us as an executive board facing such huge cuts” Cllr Evans said. “But we have listened and heard their protests, and we are prepared to review this as a result of that.”
Information on the charges and asset transfers is available on the council website


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