Lottery turn down Parc Howard funding bid

The Heritage Lottery Fund has turned down a bid for £5million to secure Llanelli's Parc Howard mansion and grounds for the future.
Carmarthenshire County Council has expressed disappointment that the bid was unsuccessful.
Officers are now arranging a feedback meeting with HLF to clarify reasoning for the rejection.
The bid, submitted in August, was delayed for six months to allow for more consultation as there was not 100 per cent support for the bid, and this was jeopardising the park’s future.
Executive Board Member for Regeneration, Cllr Meryl Gravell, said: “This is hugely disappointing news. It just underlines how important it is that we are all united in our campaign to secure Parc Howard’s future with an economic plan that stands scrutiny.
“If we cannot change the way the park operates we could be forced to close it.
“With the authority’s diminishing resources and the fact that Parc Howard, along with all council leisure services, is a not statutory responsibility, we may need third party funding to continue running the park.”
The council had great support from the Parc Howard Association and Friends of Parc Howard museum groups when developing the HLF bid.
Unfortunately there were a small number of opponents, particularly in respect of car parking issues - essential for the sustainability of the proposals - that contributed to this current impasse.


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