Hywel Dda Health Board partherships to improve patient services

Press release from the Hywel Dda Health Board -
Hywel Dda Health Board is committed to working together with the third sector and our partner organisations to improve services for our patients.
The Health Board has been able to better integrate its approach to the design and improvement of patient services through the collaborative efforts of the following initiatives shortlisted in the Joint Working with the Third Sector and Partner Organisations category of the Best of Health staff awards.
These awards recognise and reward staff who go above and beyond their duty in their day-to-day work, as well as demonstrating innovation in improving practice.
The finalists for the 2013 award are:
Communicare – Improving Communication for People with Sensory Loss This community based group has been set up to implement the All Wales Standards for Accessible Information and Communication for people with sensory loss. Representatives from Hywel Dda Health Board, the third sector, patients and sign language interpreters work together to empower sensory loss patients to highlight their difficulties and identify possible solutions. The group have focused on improving communication, the physical environment and access to information for sensory loss patients, as well as staff training and development, with patients having a significant role in shaping the service.
Domestic Abuse Forum The Domestic Abuse Forum has been shortlisted in recognition of its efforts to raise awareness of domestic abuse with Health Board staff. It also provides support to staff who may be affected by domestic abuse, equips staff to support patients and families and helps to increase knowledge and skills of staff. The forum works with partner agencies through Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, with staff, volunteers, patients and families and has already undertaken an awareness raising campaign, developed a range of staff resources, facilitated training sessions and put in place a domestic abuse workplace policy.
Looked After Children Team, Sexual Health Service This is a service which aims to provide an equitable, high quality service to children who are considered to be part of a vulnerable group called ‘Looked After Children’. It is recognised that these vulnerable young people are often at increased risk of early sexual intercourse, increased rates of unplanned pregnancy and of contracting sexually transmitted infections. This service will be delivered in partnership with the Hywel Dda Looked After Children Team, the School Nursing Service, Iechyd Da, the Terrence Higgins Trust and Hywel Dda Sexual Health Services across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Winners will be announced in January 2014, when the Chief Executive will also announce his winner for overall best entry.
Director of Workforce & Organisational Development Janet Wilkinson said: "These awards give an opportunity to recognise and praise just a few of the many staff and volunteers who contribute greatly to delivering better healthcare services for our patients. We had a record number of entries this year and I would like to thank everyone who took the time to submit a nomination. Good luck to all our finalists".
Health Shield, a UK leading provider of health cash plans and a non profit making friendly society, are the major sponsor for our Best of Health Staff Awards; thanks to them we will be able to host an awards ceremony in January to celebrate our stars of local health.
Jonathan Burton, Health Shield Chief Executive said: “Myself, and the team at Health Shield, would like to offer our huge congratulations to all who have been shortlisted for the Hywel Dda Best of Health Staff Awards. It is such a fantastic achievement to have got to this stage so well done to one and all.
“We are pleased to be supporting these awards and whilst all those who were nominated are already winners, we would like to wish everyone who has made it to this next stage the best of luck.”


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