Vote for Carmarthen youth club Dr Mz in the People's Millions

Carmarthen youth club Dr Mz has got through to the Big Lottery People's Millions vote.
This could win them £40K for a Growing Green Teens Project - the project will support young people aged 12-25 to grow and cook, plus the bits in between!
Dr Mz is an amazing youth club in the centre of Carmarthen, used by many young people from the surrounding area. It has a very dedicated and committed staff and team of young people.
Lines are now open to vote.
Call 0871 62 68 168. It costs 11p per call and you can call up to 10 times.
Take one minute today (or 10 if you call 10x) and make a difference to young people in Carmarthenshire by making that call.
Dr.M’z is a youth drop in centre run by Carmarthen Youth Project for young people aged 11-25.
The club provides a comfortable, safe, informative and stimulating place for young people to meet.

The History of Dr Mz by youth worker Gayle Harris -
Once upon a time in 1994-5 there was nothing for young people to do in Carmarthen unless you wanted to act or sing, walk miles to the leisure centre or watch a film once a week! Many young people decided to drink alcohol, hang around on street corners and cause a bit of a nuisance!
The Youth Town Council wrote a letter to the Carmarthen Journal about this and started people talking about what the community could do for their young people (after all they were the future of Carmarthen).
A group of these people including a wonderful Town/County Councillor called Dr Margaret Evans, some parents, a vicar, the Society for Children and a number of young people got together to meet to develop ideas.
The result was that young people they spoke to wanted a place to go that was safe, warm, comfortable where they could meet their friends, drink coffee, participate in activities and have a say in how it was run.
In 1997, that dream became real to over 100 people aged 11-25 in Carmarthen that year. They met, they drank coffee, they went ice skating, they took part in the Christmas Carnival, they got support from staff, they cooked a Christmas dinner, they volunteered, they raised money, they became better members of society and they had fun!
Since then Dr Mz has been a place for over 1,000 young people to participate in new activities including coasteering, canoeing, abseiling, activity holidaying, costume making, website designing, street-hockey playing, paintballing, quadbiking, go-karting.
While doing all this they have learned to be better friends, better team players, more skilled in speaking and listening, becoming better members of the community, meeting people in high places (Rhodri Morgan included) and talking to them as equals, stopping their anti-social behaviour and helping others.
I have had the privilege to meet these young people as I was there in 1997 too and I have seen many of them grow into responsible and lovely adults who say “Hi” to me in the street and come back from time to time to see us all.
Some went to the army, some became parents, some went to university and others got jobs.
I hope that all of you who read this and who were a part of it are happy and enjoyed the Dr Mz experience. I have.


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