Giant vegetable competition at Aberglasney today

Today, Aberglasney is delighted to be holding its first Giant Vegetable Competition.
If you would like to enter but haven’t returned an entry form then you’re still welcome to come along on Sunday morning with your vegetables (you’ll find a list of all the classes at the end of this email.)
It’s free to enter the competition and the prizes in each class are well worth your efforts – 1st prize is £40 or a joint annual membership for Aberglasney worth £65; 2nd prize is £20 or a £30 gift voucher for Aberglasney’s shop and plant sales area; and 3rd prize is £10 or a copy of the beautiful book ‘The Flowering of Aberglasney’.
There are also special prizes for the best Aberglasney Member exhibit and the best junior exhibit.
If you’ve decided not to enter this year we would still love to see you at Aberglasney on Sunday.
All visitors will receive a complimentary glass of mulled cider, you’ll be able to get advice from the experts on making the most of your vegetable garden (including from competition judge and gardening guru Medwyn Williams) and there’ll be a pumpkin hunt for the children.
We’re also delighted to be welcoming Ian Neale from Newport amongst the exhibitors - Ian recently took the World Record for the biggest swede, weighing in at a whopping 118lb. Ian’s giant swede will be on display at Aberglasney on Sunday.

All this and there’ll be lots of great special offers in Aberglasney’s Plant Sales area.
Aberglasney Giant Vegetable Competition Classes:
1. Heaviest Individual Marrow
2. Heaviest Individual Pumpkin or Squash
3. Heaviest Individual Potato
4. Heaviest Individual Cabbage (washed root)
5. Longest Carrot or Parsnip
6. Longest Cucumber
7. Longest Runner Bean
8. Ugliest Vegetable in Show

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