Heritage project to be launched in Llanfallteg

Saturday, August 24, will see the official opening of the Henllanfallteg Community Association and Llanfallteg History Society’s new project at the Millennium Hall in Llanfallteg.
The project began in 2011 when the groups commissioned a replica of the Vortipore Stone, an ancient inscribed stone memorial to Vortipore, an early ruler of the area.
This is now sited in front of the Millennium Hall in the village, with the original monument displayed in Carmarthen Museum.
The Vortipore Project will unveil an interpretive board detailing the history of the stone and includes three new trails with marker posts that explore the heritage, flora and fauna of the local area.
Both the board and marker posts contain QR Codes that can be scanned with a smart phone for interactive access to additional information and the community website: www.llanfallteg.org
Bilingual leaflets with maps, illustrations, photographs and information have also been produced and it is hoped that more trails may be opened in future.
The groups received a Landscape and Heritage grant towards the project.
The grant aims to support projects that promote the area’s cultural distinctiveness and is funded by the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007 -2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and also the Countryside Council for Wales, National Trust and Carmarthenshire County Council.

The Vortipor Project was undertaken by a group of volunteers, including Heather Bearman, Mike Bearman, John Cooper, Peter Icke, Dave King, Graham Meredith and John Spencer from the Henllanfallteg Community Association and the Llanfallteg History Society.
One of the volunteers, Graham Meredith, said: "It is intended that the project will increase awareness of the history and culture of the Llanfallteg area and the wider region. Many of the sites and much of the local history has been forgotten or obscured by time and neglect. The interpretive board, trails and leaflets will encourage both local people and visitors to explore the area and become aware of the cultural heritage and political and social history."
Weather permitting, there will be an inaugural guided walk of one of the new trails on Sunday 25th August at 10am.
Official Opening: 3pm, Saturday 24th August, Millennium Hall, Llanfallteg
For more details contact: Dave King, Secretary of Henllanfallteg Community Association on 07980 579503 ordavemking@llanfallteg.org For detail on the Landscape and Heritage Grant contact: Emyr Price EPrice@carmarthenshire.gov.uk 01558 824271 www.tywicentre.org.uk


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