The hunt is on for a new Gypsy and Traveller site in Llanelli

The hunt is on for a new Gypsy and Traveller site in Llanelli.
Recent evidence within Carmarthenshire has indicated a requirement for a new Gypsy and Traveller site to be located within the Llanelli area.
Legislation requires that local authorities in preparing their Local Development Plans (LDP) should allocate sufficient land to meet identified needs for Gypsy and Travellers accommodation.
As a result, in January 2013 Carmarthenshire County Council invited landowners, developers, and any other interested parties to submit potential sites for Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation to be considered for inclusion within the emerging LDP.
The consultation exercise which took place resulted in three sites being submitted for consideration.
They are -
  • Gypsy Lane, Llangennech
  • land at Penprys Road, Llanelli
  • land at Berwick, Llanelli.
The council is now publishing these three sites for consultation in order to provide the public and other interested parties with the opportunity to comment on the suitability of these sites for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation.
It must be emphasised that these sites represent those submitted for consideration and are not the Council’s proposed sites.
Their inclusion within this consultation should not be interpreted as a commitment by the council that they will be taken forward into the LDP or indeed that the Council will seek to purchase or enter into an agreement on such sites.
The Gypsy and Traveller sites are available to view on the council’s website at and for public inspection at the Council’s Customer Services Centres and Planning Offices.
A Representation Form to assist in submitting comments on the Gypsy and Traveller sites is available to download from the Council’s website.
This consultation will extend over a 6 week period commencing on the 26th June 2013 and ending at 4:30pm on the 9th August 2013, with comments sent in writing to the address below.
Comments should be sent to the Forward Planning and Conservation Manager, Planning Services, 8 Spilman Street, Carmarthen SA31 1JY or by e-mail to


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