Reggae orchestra to play free show in Cardiff on Saturday

Cardiff Bay will be grooving to the reggae beats of the Bristol Reggae Orchestra this Saturday (25 May).
The 30-strong group is playing a set of Bob Marley and Lord Tanamo covers and original songs at the Wales Millennium Centre at 1.30pm.
It is part of the Gwanwyn festival – a month of art events for over 50s organised by the charity Age Cymru.
Says Phil Thomas, Gwanwyn’s coordinator:
“Bristol Reggae Orchestra is one of the UK’s most unique and uplifting community projects and it is made up of people of all ages.
“We’re very proud to have them headlining this free concert we’re holding on Saturday 25 May on the Glanfa stage of the Wales Millennium Centre.
“If your experience of reggae is all from record, come along on Saturday - it promises to be a toe-tapping show of crowd pleasers, world music and an infectious reggae beat.
“Our show will also feature the world premiere of piece of music commissioned by Gwanwyn featuring Dylan Fowler on guitar and Adam Doughty on an African harp called the Kora.”
The Gwanwyn concert takes place at 1.30pm on the Glanfa Stage at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay on Saturday 25 May.
Gwanwyn is Wales’s only annual national arts festival for over 50s.

The Gwanwyn Festival:
Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age.
The aim of the festival is to:
Celebrate the opportunity of older age for renewal, growth and creativity, hence the connotations of new-life in the name ‘Gwanwyn’ meaning ‘springtime’ in the Welsh language;
Promote the benefits of exploring creativity, developing a critical voice and participating fully in the artistic and cultural life of local communities and Wales as a whole;
Offer opportunities for greater participation by older people in the arts, such as painting, photography, music, drama, storytelling, literature, dance or film during the month of May;
Highlight existing artistic work and creativity of groups and individuals who are older people themselves or whose work revolves around the concepts of older people and creativity;
Promote the participation of older people in the arts throughout the year and highlight existing or new opportunities available locally;
Gwanwyn is a collaborative initiative between key national organisations lead by Age Cymru, the Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh Government; working closely with local arts groups, active retirement and community groups, public libraries, museums, schools and care centres. 

Age Cymru:
· Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales
· We are the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales.
· Age affects us all in different ways. We cannot promise good health, but we should be able to ensure good care for all of us. When we find loneliness, we will reach out. When age becomes a burden, we will lighten the load.
· Age Cymru will campaign. We will fundraise. We will research. We will make the powers that be listen.
· Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436.
· Company limited by guarantee and registered by in England and Wales 6837284.
· Registered office address: Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ.
· Age Cymru works nationally and locally across Wales to improve life for all older people.


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