Reaction to this afternoon's Budget

Reaction to this afternoon's Budget from West Wales businesses -

Social entrepreneur Kevin Green, one of the UK’s biggest private sector landlords, said:
You obviously have to welcome the help schemes targeted at getting the housing market moving.
The shared equity scheme and guarantees on new lending are very good news.
The man in the street will be pleased at the £10,000 threshold and there’s good news for businesses on corporation tax.
But my biggest worry is the way the Chancellor was talking about changes to welfare and benefit payments in June.
He didn’t really elaborate and that must be a headache to landlords like myself.
In short, many landlords will be thinking whether they should take on benefit claimants as tenants.
The lack of clarity in the Chancellor’s statement will leave landlords worried. We need more detail and we need it now, not in June, as the uncertainty will not be good for the rental housing sector.
  • Kevin is a self-made multi-millionaire and social entrepreneur. He is one of the UK’s largest residential property landlords and a multi-business owner. 

Simon Buckley, chief-executive, of the award-winning Evan-Evans brewery said:
The surprise announcement on the scrapping of the beer duty escalator, and the reduction of beer duty has taken the industry by surprise.
The additional freeze on fuel duty has come as a welcome addition.
The beer industry in Wales will take confidence from the reduction in taxes, but it will do little for rural pubs. Is it too little too late.
The Chancellor’s announcement on beer duty was a ‘Wow’ moment.
This is the first time in my brewing career that we have seen a reduction in beer duty.
It is good news and the scrapping of the beer duty escalator is welcome. At Evan-Evans, we will be reducing the price of our beer in the free trade from Friday of this week
We also welcome the reduction in Corporation Tax in 2014 and the Capital allowances changes will mean that we can look forward to a more secure future.
Other tax changes will all help; but we must not lose sight of the fact that if the customers do not have disposable income, cheaper beer does not make any difference at all.
The pubs in the towns and larger communities will continue to be successful but the rural pubs will still continue to decline.
  • Evan-Evans is owned by Simon Buckley, whose family have brewed in Wales since 1767, Evan-Evans has a reputation for brewing the highest quality cask-conditioned beers. Evan-Evans is Wales’s largest specialist brewer of cask ale.

David Butler, director of Clay Shaw Butler, accountants and business consultants, Carmarthen, said:
The reduction in corporation tax to 21% next year and the new Employment allowance will allow me to expand my workforce.
This is something which I have been delaying.
Attracting graduates back to Wales will help the local economy
Taking the position of someone who has worked hard all their life, paid their taxes and saved, I can see the savings cap of £72000 for social care is, at last, a welcome change. The only gripe people will have is having to wait until 2016.
Having help with child care for the under five-year-olds makes it more financially viable to return to work, but, again, we have to wait until 2015.
Take the position of someone whose eldest will be over the age of five by then. Therefore, the Government needs to increase this child care help to under 12-year-olds sooner than they are saying
  • Clay Shaw Butler has a team of 22 professional staff with a combined experience of more than 210 years. The team is made up of Qualified Chartered Accountants, Chartered Certified Accountants, Chartered Tax Advisers, experienced senior staff, trainee accountants and business consultants.

Gail Skinner, Managing Director of Celtic Couriers delivery and courier service, said:
It does appear that the Chancellor is listening to the logistics industry with the scrapping of September's rise on fuel duty.
The complaints about fuel duty are well documented and this comes as welcome relief to all.
The decision to freeze Vehicle Excise Duty rates for HGVs for 2013-14 is also to be welcomed.
However, as usual, with all Budget announcements, the devil is in the detail and you have to analyse the swings and roundabouts of the planned changes in some depth before you can honestly say you have either gained or lost in this latest Budget.
  • Celtic Couriers was formed in 1989 by Gail and Ivor Skinner who are still the directors of the Burry Port company. Celtic Couriers are shareholders in APC Overnight, the largest next day parcel delivery network with more than 120 depots in the UK.


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