Three more years for Stradey housing plan

Carmarthenshire Councillors have decided that they are minded to approve an application to give developers three more years to submit detailed plans for housing at Stradey Park, Llanelli.
But the Welsh Government has issued a Stopper Notice preventing the release of the decision until it has had time to consider whether or not to call in the application to make the final decision itself.
A spokesman for the developers said work would start on site in three weeks time and the application was to provide them with the option to make changes to house types at a later stage.
Last week's meeting of the planning committee considered an application by the developers for variation of one of the conditions of the outline planning permission to extend the outline planning time limit by a further three years for up to 450 residential units of two, three and four-bedroom detached houses, terraced houses, terraced town houses and apartments.
The council’s head of planning Eifion Bowen told members of the committee: “We had a letter last night from the Welsh Government advising the authority that we are not in a position to approve the application. However, we can continue to process or refuse the application.”
The application was submitted by Asbri Planning Ltd on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd (TW) in respect of the proposed re-development of the former Stradey Park sports stadium site, inclusive of training pitches and adjacent derelict industrial site, which are located a short distance west of Llanelli Town Centre. The proposal is to develop a major residential development on the site, inclusive of recreational open space provision and various infrastructure improvements.
The site was acquired by the developers TW from Llanelli Rugby Football Club following the grant of outline planning permission and the relocation of the Llanelli RFC to the new Parc y Scarlets facility at Pemberton, Llanelli.
Outline planning permission was only granted following a “Call-in” Direction issued by the Welsh Assembly Government and ensuing Inquiry into the same, when expert evidence and third party representations were made to the presiding Inspector, who then reported to the Welsh Ministers before issuing a decision granting planning permission.
Since that time the site has remained empty in expectation of redevelopment, until the recent demolition of the stadium buildings and adjacent commercial premises, together with the ploughing-up of the training pitches. All previous sporting and recreational use of the site has long since ceased.
Richard Bowen of Asbri Planning said that the build time for the project was up to nine years and an extension of the time limit for submitting reserved matters details would enable the developers to change house types without having to make a full planning application.
He added: “I can categorically tell you that it is the intention of the developers Taylor Wimpey to commence work in three weeks time.”
The committee voted that it was minded to approve the application.


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