Graffiti cards highlight road safety issues

A series of punchy and strikingly graphic safety messages to young drivers and riders by Carmarthenshire Council transport division is designed to heighten awareness of road safety issues.
A monthly release of graffiti style information cards is running with each carrying a hard hitting message from using the mobile when driving to driving on bald tyres.
If you are stuck behind a bus you will certainly get the message with many of the cards being displayed on rear-of-bus advertising.
Distributed to schools and colleges the series of cards will run for more than a year as more of the messages are developed.
County Road Safety manager Keith Griffiths said: “The messages are aimed at the young drivers who are more likely to be involved in an accident than older drivers. “
He said the campaign would run and run with no limit on time because the message needed to be put out to successive generations of young motorists.
“Of course, we are looking to refresh the ideas and many of the best ones come from the young drivers themselves so it shows they are thinking about the subject.”
November’s card is about bald tyres with the provocative card declaring asking “On Skid Row?” The rear of the car explains that is a legal requirement to make sure your vehicle is fitted with the correct size tyre, has a legal depth of tread- that’s1.6-millimetres across the central three-quarters of the tread around the complete circumference of the tyre; tyres are not mixed on vehicles.
The warning is that breaking any of these rules can carry a fine of £2,500 and three penalty points for each defective tyre.
December’s message switches to be aware to the dangers of drink and drug driving.
Mr Griffiths said Carmarthenshire’s Road Safety Action Group were also constantly evolving new campaigns and introducing road safety initiatives that had helped to considerably reduce accident levels on the county’s road.
Anyone with any ideas for a message to add to or refresh the series could find themselves winning a car road safety bag worth with contents worth more than £50. Send ideas to people aged between age 17 and age 24 make up around 11 per cent of the Welsh population. During 2011, 42per cent of the young drivers (up to and including age 24) involved in all accidents were aged 18, 19 and 20.


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